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what is a christian baby dedication service?

Baby Dedication is an opportunity to thank God for the precious gift God your child. It is an opportunity to raise your child in a Christian Home- although you may have already done that in heart, to publicly announce it makes you accountable to the many family members.

It is also an opportunity for you as parents to commit yourselves to abide by biblical principles and to raise your child or children according to Gods standards. Not only do you dedicate you child to God, you also dedicate yourselves as parents- to Christ and to the Church.

what is a baby dedication?

The Joy of Jesus' birth was shared with the people of God in the house of God. Like most parents Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple to be presented to God Long before this time, Godly Parents presented their children to God asking for His blessing.

As Parents presenting your child to the Lord, you are signifying your own personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. You show a desire to see God's will carried out in the life of your child. And you are acknowledging your place as stewards of what really belongs to God- your child.

Dedication means that by word and example, you promise to teach your child to live a holy life and to value the good gifts God has given us. You promise to give your child every opportunity and encouragement to develop into the well rounded Christian individual God intends him or her to be.

Dedication before God and the church means that you realize that God and the church should have a large part in the spiritual growth of your family. It means a commitment to model a Christian lifestyle by worshiping with a church family regularly.

helpful guidelines?

Since dedication of children is a christian act of giving children to God for His glory, the first question to ask is, 


    1. Are we Christian ?

At times, people bring their babies for dedication because it is "the thing to do" God is honored by hearts that genuinely desire to please Him without regard for what others think. Christian dedication of Babies is for Christian families. The Next Question is,


    2. Are we serious about this dedication?

Parents should ask themselves if they really want to see their child serve God. Dedicating your child to God is an act of faith in God, believing that He has a Purpose of abundant life for your child. The final Question is,


    3. Are we willing to oversee our child's Christian Development?

By dedicating you child to God, you commit yourself to maintain a Christian home, where Christ is honored and the Word of God is believed and obeyed. A child's first impression of God comes from you, so you must strive to live Christ-like lives at all times. Children sense our commitment to the Lord and are far more perceptive than we sometimes we realize.

the event

Baby Dedication Services are held at either 9:00am or 11:00am. Parents and children will stand before the congregation and a member of our Pastoral Care Team will anoint the child with oil and pray the blessing over the family.

Fill out the Baby dedication form, then call our front office to schedule an appointment with a member of our Pastoral Care Team.


Email at least 6 to 10 Baby pictures to

(*Flash Photography and video recording is encouraged during the dedication Service*)

Baby Dedication Form

Thanks for submitting!

cornerstone covenant church

706 E. 12th Street

Big Spring, TX  79720


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